Wednesday, June 4, 2014


I keep to the murky shadows, out of the reach of the sunlight. My toes find cold mud beneath them, over and over and over again. The cadence is constant and will never relent until I can find my way to freedom.

Sound has no meaning here. Its value is irrelevant to me regardless since I can no longer speak. Time exists only to remind me the world continues on day after day without my permission. The sun and moon change guard over me and keep me company. They remain impassive and only concerned with their duties. A lost girl means nothing in their great expanse.

Some might call me a victim.

I prefer the term prisoner. Held here against my will, serving a sentence for the crimes of being young, truant and smart-mouthed. Unforgivable sins according to my warden.

Or perhaps I was only a girl and that was enough.

I see him now and again. I watch him pass by on the other side of watery bars. Looking at me, but never seeing my wasting form. I think he finds comfort knowing I am still hidden from the world and his secret to keep to himself.

We all have secrets to keep hidden, some are just darker than others.

I will remain his captive until time decides to set me free.

Then there will be no place to hide because I can't wait to share my secrets.

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